Can a woman still feel sexy after her 50th birthday?

When I worked with a young marketing expert last year and we wanted to find out what my “dance into womanhood” stood for, I really became aware of how young women see older women.

She said at the time that the word "sexy" might not be so good for my target group, i.e. for women of this age. Why? Because that age and that word don't go together... Really now? I think we first have to clarify for ourselves what the word "feeling sexy" means and dispel the myth that you're invisible after 50. My experience is: Not true! But that's not the point! It's about a way of life . In the end, it doesn't matter whether someone is attracted to it or not. But not enjoying yourself in your own lifeblood is not irrelevant!

Over 50 and yet so close to full life.

What does a “sexy woman” exude?

Isn't it rather the case that a woman is only in her full bloom when she has shed her self-insecurity and doesn't care what other people think of her?
Isn't it exactly this freedom that it takes to feel completely whole? Around? And shouldn't "round" finally be welcome in life? I see here in the South how young women dress up in tight panties and high heels that can hardly walk, to feel sexy and above all to show others that they are too.
Yes, they look really great and they have a wonderful toned figure and great skin! I like them! You are really cute! And yet there is something crucial that is missing from my sense of sex appeal:

  • confidence
  • serenity
  • life experience
  • ability to enjoy
  • Courage to call things by their proper name
  • autonomy
  • Self care and care for others
  • Outrageous lust for life
  • It doesn't matter what other people say about you
  • wisdom
  • self love
  • self-acceptance
  • confidence

Resting in yourself and being able to laugh at yourself makes you attractive

When I look back on my life as a young woman, I was always really rushed and there was always something that didn't fit.
Or it messed up my attitude to life when someone had something to complain about about me.

Today I smile when someone tries to tell me that I have wrinkles or asks me if I've gained weight.
Yes, I say, it can be.
The triggers are becoming fewer and there are fewer and fewer people who feel like triggering me. I just feel good and I laugh a lot.
Laugh! Laughter is so attractive to many people! Laughter is sooooo sexy!

Laughter is simply an irresistible superpower! Especially when you're big enough to laugh at yourself. What could be more attractive than a woman who is at peace with herself and can still deliver clear words without fear of being
judged for it.

My conclusion: Life and love have nothing to do with a number

There is nothing more beautiful for a mature woman than to live in full acceptance and to love and appreciate everything that she has accomplished and mastered on her own responsibility.

Because, nothing attracts you more than a woman who realizes that she doesn't have to do anything more to be recognized.
She is a woman who is calm, who can laugh with all her heart and who can also vent her anger!
She no longer cares what other people think of her. She has developed her true glow and turned her energy into a magnetic attraction. She is a happy, ecstatic woman who loves and accepts her body as it is right now.

The secret lies in their own fulfillment and contributes to their own beauty. 

Expressiveness has something to do with liveliness and truthfulness.

And all this is sexy in my opinion!

In my retreats and workshops I solve the problems in the head through the self-acceptance of the body.
Because feeling so comfortable with ourselves leads us to a natural strength and turns us women into great queens,
funny buddies and respectful companions who know how to pull out the sword if necessary!

Here is another article about femininity and self-confidence.

50-year-old woman cleaning out belly dance liberation after cleaning out chronicle coaching earthquake in Morocco Erzgebirge women women 's coaching women in relationships meeting friends stories about Morocco enjoying life chronicle joy of life happiness in life Morocco Marrakech sea mentor for women monthly review personality development quality time self-respect self-acceptance self-love self-worth spiritual desert journey dance dancing dance in the Femininity Dance Trips Dance Retreat Transformation Trip Dancer Original Femininity Femininity Precious Time Desert Desert Trip for Women Trips Desert Retreat Time in Morocco Art of Survival

1 comment

  1. Beautifully written and so true. I come from a family where women of all ages feel sexy and are sexy. So it's not a question of age, but self-confidence, self-love and being loved, as you say, contribute to it. Whether they are 2 years old or 84 we love heels and we feel beautiful even with 10 kg more because we are, with a smile on our faces! Just as we are.

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