Does a number determine our attitude towards life?

Enjoy life at any age! Great lifestyle.
Lifestyle knows no age

My blogger colleague Mia Brummer is calling for a blog parade! With the topic of what women over 50 are actually good for .
I think it's a great and provocative topic! I'm well over 50 and I don't feel like 50. But who actually decides how women should feel at 50? How is age measured without being measured?

What are the characteristics of a 50 year old woman? So I'll get going then!

Coaching for women - the art of being authentic

Observations of a girl

Even as a young girl in the 70s, I noticed the postures of women.
How they stand, walk and behave.
In Sicily, my father's homeland, I remember women who, once married,
neglected their beauty, put on weight,
abused their offspring in shrill, high-pitched voices, and had a slouched posture, with slumped shoulders and protruding stomachs.
It struck me that when you're married, you give yourself up.

How young people or children see us is also formative. The image of the 50+ year old has changed quite a bit and has nothing to do with the image I had of older women back then.

Various outdoor images of women

Much later in my life, when I was in Rome, or at theater events in Palermo, I saw so many good
looking women, well over 50, who were just WOW!
How they dressed, maintained their poise, and seemed to cultivate life so subtly.
I liked her awareness of beauty and grooming.
Always dressing well is naturally present in the genes of the Italian people.
That was the other side of images of women in Italy that I had. On the other hand, I always perceived women in Germany to
be dressed in functional casual clothing and not caring much about a sophisticated appearance and their style of clothing was simply pragmatic and often still is.

Who assesses age?

For the woman (and of course also for the man) the moment comes when she
has to say goodbye to a tight body.
It's a phase in your life where you don't feel seen anymore, struggle with the fact that you put on weight, your wrinkles increase and worst of all you
start hating yourself for it.

She evaluates herself from the perspective of no longer being attractive to men.
Although in our day and age relationships with much younger men are becoming more and more common.
Not every woman over 50 is automatically old!
When I go shopping here in town, I see young women who look quite old in their whole demeanor and attitude.

Once we have finally said goodbye to all the externals and overcome youth,
a really exciting life cycle begins!

What a chance! What a new freedom!

What does age actually mean?
Mental exercise is just as important as physical exercise!
The combination of both keeps us young.
By feeling young I mean being in the life energy. The life we ​​have experienced so far is a large part from which we benefit in our new phase of life.
As a rule, the children are out of the house and we have a lot more time for ourselves.
A great chance to regroup and orient ourselves.

We can ask ourselves new questions:

- What would we still like to experience?
– What new things do we want to learn or expand on?
– What is important to me?
– What routine do I load into my daily life?
– What do I definitely sort out in my life?
– Where do I turn every day?
– With whom do I want to spend my valuable time?

Precious time!
I am personally very aware of this. As much as I can, I live to make each day a worthwhile day, celebrating

what I've done well and laughing more and more at what I haven't. The mild and kind thoughts towards me are getting stronger.
This is such a liberation! No more having to hunt, conquer, fight, survive, reach, etc

Life feels freer than ever!

I love this age because after so many experiences and losses and life circumstances and experiences, I
can now see everything much more calmly.

It's becoming less and less important to me what other people might think of me.
I have increasingly regained my trust in myself and my “guided path”.

I am fully there. Fully present and fully curious about what is yet to come.

I gave up my ideas of how something should be in order to be
surprised by life impulses.

Anyway, I've decided to be happy.

Life is just beautiful!

This question of whether you still have any value as a 50-year-old seems to me after I mean
vast treasury of knowledge, experience and wisdom is actually quite absurd!
The word "actually" only because I know that many young people think so.

Women who have consciously overcome their mid-life crisis and
opened up to newly created opportunities are a very important link in our society!
Because with their courage, their zest for life, their serenity and their fire, they show how much creative, intelligent ideas they
can ignite and what they are able to set in motion.

This is important for all people. To see that in the second part of your life you have a really fulfilled
can enjoy a life that doesn't lose value because of some number that suddenly appears.

Unfortunately, it is also the case that some women get stuck in the feeling of worthlessness. You suddenly feel
alone and no longer needed. I encourage women in my work to value themselves and give themselves the care they otherwise give to others. It's time to experience something new for yourself and other roles may be involved.
Get out: I'll do something, I'll do something.... So I'm worthy of being
And that's exactly what we can finally let go of! We are valuable not only when we contribute to work
or to education.
No! We are so much more contributing in this world when we are ourselves
taking the time for self-reflection and living a kind-hearted life that connects
creates and stops judging and dividing.

The best doesn't come at the end!

How often do I see young women who either let themselves go or are caught in doer mode,
have leisure time stress and are subject to the optimization mania (which people of all ages also have
if they let themselves be infected by it).

How well I know that!
Until March 2020 my life looked like this too.
I was driven and far, far too overwhelmed with my independence as a theater maker and organizer.
Today, I carry out my duties with thoughtful care and awareness.
I no longer judge myself when something doesn't work right away.
I no longer cling to my ideas of how something should be. Stay curious and adventurous!

And yes!
At 58 I still dance, lie on mattresses on the ground in the desert, ride camels, wear red lipstick, take part in ice swimming
(since then I have been doing ice water applications), feel attractive, have fun in life

I TRUST myself and them Living so much more that I look forward to whatever comes my way.
My lack of basic trust has established itself in me and I feel that nothing can happen in life
that is against me.
life has shown
me the trust that everything has a purpose and takes time At over 50 years old, I can look back on a path that shows me that some things turn out differently than you really want and that things are good the way they are.


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